Restoring Our Environment One Body of Water at a Time
Eco-Friendly, Family-Safe Solutions for a Healthy Environment

Expert Aquatic Weed Control & Dredging Services
Welcome to, where we can meet all of your Aquatic Weed Control Services & Dredging needs!
We are an Aquatic Weed Control and American Dredging Company. Our goal is to provide Aquatic Weed Control Services, Aquatic Weed harvesting, Lake Weed Control & Removal, Dredging, and Aquatic Weed Services (Removal and Prevention of Lake weeds). Using equipment and programs that are safe for your family and the environment. We provide Mechanical and Hydraulic Dredging services. Providing dredging for marinas, lake dredging, channels, harbors, canals, commercial ponds/lagoons, waste treatment facilities, Lake Association projects, State and local government, private residential dredging, and dredging of hunt clubs. Nationally recognized.
Also Offering Aquatic Control & Dredging Consulting services.
Please look at our Dredging and Aquatic Lake Weed Control and Removal equipment/services on the following pages. We also offer Natural - Organic Lake Weed Control & Removal options.
At American Dredge we care about you and our environment.
We have offices and representatives covering all the Northern, Eastern and Southern states. We can assist you with Aquatic Vegetation Control and Dredging services with efficient services in the following states: MO, MI, IN, OH, IL, WI, MN, TN, KY, WV, VA, LA, AL, MS, MO, TX, GA, FL, SC, NC, PA, NY, VT, MT, OK, ND, CO......CA. Nationwide, all 50 states. Call Today us today to let our Northern, Southern, Eastern, and Midwest offices take care of your needs before the weeds get out of control this summer or provide dredging services to greatly improve your body of water for the season ahead.
For 2024 Aquatic Vegetation and algal blooms are expected to be very bad this year due to the abnormally mild winter we have had across the United States. Also, with the Hot summer temperatures, the weeds are going to be abundant. HOAs, Lake Boards, City, and Township councils we advise you to plan earlier rather than later. We have one of the largest fleets of Aquatic Weed Harvesters and if you would like to plan ahead we recommend you schedule your dates with us now because based on prior years, the outcry for aquatic vegetation removal will be large this year. Even with people that may get herbicide treatments, most of them will still need aquatic weed harvesting done by us. If you have had a problem in the past with Curly Leaf Pond Weed (Potamogeton Crispus), a lot of the North/Eastern states like MI, IL, WI, MN.....VT, NY, PA you should call now.

Curly Leaf Pond Weed (Potamogeton Crispus )
Curly-Leaved Pondweed is a hardy, aggressive non-native plant. Curly Leaf is usually the first macrophyte to emerge in the spring but dies back about July (causing other problems). Reproduction: Potamogeton Crispus reproduces mainly by turion production. Potamogeton crispus has a rather unusual life cycle. Fruits, turions and seeds are produced in late spring/early summer and by July, Curly Leaf Pondweed has died back. The fruits and turions survive all summer and germinate in the fall. The new plants grow to a few centimeters tall and over the winter in a dormant state, even under the ice. In the spring, the small plants already have a head start on other native macrophyte and can quickly form dense stands. Note: We Have Had a Mild Winter, these and other plants are getting an early start!! Call us now to lock in dates to allow us to weed harvest the mats of curly leaf and help significantly remove the plant mass/turions. Which will overall help reduce the amount of decomposed mass and turions allowed to spread in your body of water. Remember when the plant decomposes early in the summer, it also allows for nutrients for other invasive plant life within your body of water, like Eurasian Milfoil, coon tail, etc. When curly leaf dies back in July, and when the dense mats decay, the available oxygen in the water may be depleted. This resulting low oxygen conditions (Anoxic) can lead to fish dying off and harm other aquatic organisms. Nutrients released from the decaying plants may also contribute to algal blooms and accelerate other plant species. (A similar process happens when you spray a herbicide on aquatic plant life, you are not removing, it but causing the plant to decompose, adding nutrients in the body of water, to promote other future weed growth).
If you have Curly Leaf Pond Weed or Lake Weed problems in the past: in Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, Missouri, Iowa, and Indiana (nationwide offices) please consider scheduling early before you're stuck with a big problem this season.
Aquatic Vegetation Challenges in the South with warmer temps.
Our Aquatic Weed Control / Harvesting and Dredging company has unique equipment, and it does not matter where you are located, we may already have equipment near you to do your project asap if you are in urgent need or if it has to be done relatively soon, contact us and send us an email describing your project, Whether it be aquatic weed harvesting, or cattail aquatic weed removal or dredging and/or sediment removal, we can assist you.
Southern Locations
We are looking for clients with aquatic vegetation problems and or dredging or sediment removal in Southern states

Transform Your Waterway
If you have an overabundance of lake weeds on your waterway, please email us and tell us of your situation. Do you and your neighbors have a hard time getting your boats in/out of your dock because the aquatic weeds are too thick or depths full of sediments and too shallow? Do the lake weeds make it difficult to enjoy fishing, boating, swimming, or the view? Please tell us of your situation, which lake you are on, and if you know of others in your area that have a similar problem. Receive a discount if you schedule your southern Dredging or Hydro-rake project for the upcoming fall/winter. We also have equipment that can remove cattails, phragmites, and purple name a few.
We do offer discounts for projects in the southern states during the Months of December through March, call us or email us today so we can discuss and plan out your project. If you already have a bid, let us know and see if we can provide you with the best pricing possible.
Here are a few pictures from aquatic weed harvesting and aquatic weed removal in Mississippi, (close to Louisiana, Alabama, Tennessee, and Arkansas).
Below are pictures of our company using our aquatic weed harvesting equipment to remove the aquatic vegetation on private property in a Mississippi lake.
See the Transformation
Below are pictures showing the excellent improvement our aquatic control company did remove the invasive aquatic vegetation that covered this entire lake. They most likely would have had a large fish kill come winter. But with our aquatic vegetation control services, we were able to assist this southern lake.the Transformation
Below are pictures showing the excellent improvement our aquatic control company did remove the invasive aquatic vegetation that covered this entire lake. They most likely would have had a large fish kill come winter. But with our aquatic vegetation control services, we were able to assist this southern lake.

See the Transformation
Below are pictures showing the excellent improvement our aquatic control company did remove the invasive aquatic vegetation that covered this entire lake. They most likely would have had a large fish kill come winter. But with our aquatic vegetation control services, we were able to assist this southern lake.

Aquatic Weed Harvesting in the Missouri-Iowa Area
Here are a few pictures from aquatic weed harvesting and aquatic weed removal in the Missouri, Iowa area, (close to Kansas, Illinois where we also perform weed harvesting and dredging services).

Revitalize Missouri's Lakes
This is just one area, of many large areas on the lake in Missouri, that needed aquatic weed harvesting of the lake weeds removed in order to improve the lake, so thousands of people can enjoy the Missouri Lake for summertime fun and recreation. Also making a huge positive impact on the overall health of the waterway long term. Overall making a positive financial improvement for the businesses that earn a living from these waterways, because if people can enjoy the waterway, they will want to come back, tell their friends and in return will rent cottages, spend money on renting boats, kayaks, eating at the nearby restaurants, shopping at the nearby stores, etc...
contact us today at
1 (855) 305-0233
send us an email at
[email protected]
to make a very positive impact on your waterways! (Missouri, Iowa, Kansas)….
Aquatic Weed Harvesting get your weeds removed immediately
In most states, you do not need a permit for Weed Harvesting. If you are waiting for a herbicide permit but have a problem with aquatic vegetation, don't wait call us, and we can provide lake weed control and removal of the weeds, opening boat lanes in canals, through the lake, or in back bays--- that are covered in vegetation or algae. We cut the weeds and remove them from your body of water, instant boating access, swimming, and fishing. Let the experts Remove and Control your pesky Lake Weeds.
We are looking for clients with dredging concerns and milfoil, curly leaf pond weed and other aquatic vegetation problems in Northern and Eastern states. If you have an overabundance of sediments or lake weeds on your waterway, please email us and tell us of your situation. Whether you're in Illinois, Wisconsin, or in Pennsylvania, New York, or Vermont, we have sub-offices with a lot of equipment that can assist you. Do you and your neighbors have a hard time getting your boats in/out of your dock because the aquatic weeds are too thick? Is it too shallow because of too much muck or sediment buildup? Do the lake weeds make it difficult to enjoy fishing, boating, swimming, or the view? Please tell us of your situation, which lake you're on, and if you know of others in your area that have a similar problem.

Enhance Recreation and Boost Local Businesses!
Recent aquatic weed harvesting project in the Illinois area, not too far from Wisconsin, also our aquatic weed harvesting/control company did a similar aquatic weed removal project in Indiana. This lake was completely covered with aquatic vegetation. If they had sprayed this with a herbicide, there most likely would have been a fish kill. Here are a few pictures where we removed aquatic vegetation in several lakes in a private lake community in Illinois. We have sub-offices that cover the nation and handle projects like this.
Below you can see the lake is completely covered in aquatic vegetation. By the time were finished the majority of the weeds we removed and people could actually fish again and enjoy boating again. We can do the same for you no matter where your location is, call us and we can help.
Visual Transformations
Aquatic weed harvesting company doing business in Illinois, before and after picture below.

After the aquatic vegetation was removed. Piles and piles of vegetation removed from lakes in Illinois.
Aquatic Weed Harvesting and Removal can be helpful come fall to deter fish kills and algal blooms.
Have you had a Fish Kill in the past or about to because you have too much vegetation in your lake or pond leading into fall and going into winter? Let us come aquatic weed harvest your pond or lake. Too much vegetation in the water can take away valuable oxygen during the colder months and can lead to a big fish kill, especially if we have a cold winter. Let us come out and weed harvest and remove the abundant vegetation from your lake this fall or early winter before it's too late. Herbicides could cause further problems going and/or leading into winter if there is a lot of vegetation mass in the water. This vegetation will decompose, which also takes oxygen to help assist with the decomposition process. Weed Harvesting can be a useful tool in the fall to help deter fish kills.
During a Lake Weed Harvesting project:
When we use one of our weed harvesting trailers to transfer aquatic vegetation, on average will remove about 3 yards of aquatic vegetation per load. A yard of mulch is 300 pounds per cubic yard, and a yard of topsoil is about 1,500 hundred pounds. Let’s use (for the sake of argument) 300 pounds x 3 cubic yards = 900 pounds. Now let’s take the 8 loads x 900 pounds, this will give you 7,200 pounds of material per day. If you weed harvest for 5 days, 10 + days, you are helping by removing a lot of vegetation mass and helping remove phosphates which promote further weed growth. Therefore, when you weed harvest you are helping by removing a lot of vegetation mass and helping remove phosphates which promote further weed growth. Now, take that same scenario and treat these aquatic weeds 3 times a year and add all this decomposed vegetation to the bottom of your lake. You are overloading your lake/pond with too many nutrients and creating a mucky bottom in most cases. Now do this year after year, what is happening to your body of water!! Too many nutrients in the water from the decomposed vegetation a lot of time cause Algal (algae) blooms. Have you noticed a lot of algae after a recent herbicide treatment?

Sustainable Solution for Aquatic Weed Control

American Dredge will travel almost anywhere for Weed Harvesting, Dredging, Cat-tail Eradication, Phragmites Control, Wetland Restoration, Beach Restoration, Lilly Pad Harvesting, and Removal. U.S. and Canada. Even special projects overseas. Private Lakes and Hunt Club.
Dredging the Real Answer to Aquatic Weed Control. Remove years of nutrient-rich sediment. Which causes weed growth. Are you too shallow, with a lot of weeds? You need to dredge and add depth, which can deter weed growth.
You will get less sunlight penetration and less weed growth. Have you been spraying chemicals for years and adding decomposed vegetation to the bottom of the lake, slowly losing depth--better sunlight penetration, adding nutrient-rich sediment, possibly causing algae blooms? As the weeds decompose, they take oxygen from the water. Again, think about dredging as the real answer. You will be able to add depth and remove years of sediment buildup. It's the first step to a healthier lake and eliminating your weed problem. We understand some company's first choice is to use chemicals/herbicides, but we believe it is not best for the environment! What is it killing? We try to avoid using chemicals when possible. It may seem cheaper in the short term, but long term you are adding sediments to the bottom, which will cause you to have to dredge.
Please Read Below Very Important--to the overall health of your Lake, Pond, and Channel
Alternative to Herbicide use: Lake Associations, HOA, and Lake Boards are you tired of paying for expensive herbicide and/or chemical treatments without good results? How bad are the weeds still after 2 or 3 treatments a year? Do you get a lot of decay, or mass of floating vegetation that will settle to the lake bottom, and a lot that will wash up onto the resident's shorelines? This is adding to your problem each year providing more nutrients, for weed growth, ruining fish spawning beds, and creating a mucky bottom. Why do think they have warning labels on herbicide treatments, use your own common sense. Use alternative methods to herbicides, weed harvesting, hydrocracking, and dredging these are all very healthy alternative methods to herbicide treatment. Think about this for example, during Weed Harvesting you are, cutting the vegetation from the lake, leaving the stem at the bottom (good for fish) and when you remove the bulk of the plant you are instantly opening waterways (not waiting for it to decompose), taking nutrients out of the lake--a healthy balance. But with a herbicide, it can decompose the plants, and add to your future weed growth problem, creating muck and nutrients. Think about it, you may have once had a clean sandy lake bottom with little weed growth. As you use more herbicides/chemicals, you decompose the vegetation, this is going to go somewhere, and then it can start to cover your once-clean areas, with a layer of decomposed organics over time. Weeds are going to grow in this area now because of the abundant organics (good soil) that may once have limited weed growth. Also be very careful, too much-decomposed vegetation in a body of water after a herbicide treatment can and has caused "fish kills", in a lot of states. Especially in a year like this year, you are better off Weed Harvesting and removing the mass of the aquatic vegetation, when you have large amounts of vegetation within the water. Late summer and Fall, are a good time for Aquatic Weed Harvest - don't let all the vegetation decompose for next year's growth. Otherwise, if you treat a large amount of vegetation with a herbicide, going into the end of summer, fall, and leading into winter: once the plant starts to decompose it takes valuable oxygen to help the decomposition process, which can take away from the fish/aquatic life. But for example, if you have a lot of vegetation at the end of the summer, or fall (which is coming soon): you are better off Weed Harvesting and removing the mass of the vegetation, rather than allowing it to decompose within your lake, which can be harmful going into the winter months, you don't want to end up with a big fish kill, come spring. Seeing fish all over your shorelines. Call us today and try something eco-friendly.
Now we are looking for clients with dredging concerns and milfoil, curly leaf pond weed, and other aquatic vegetation problems in Northern states. If you have an overabundance of lake weeds on your waterway, please email us and tell us of your situation. Do you and your neighbors have a hard time getting your boats in/out of your dock because the aquatic weeds are too thick? Do the lake weeds make it difficult to enjoy fishing, boating, swimming, or the view? Please tell us of your situation, which lake you're on, and if you know of others in your area that have a similar problem.
American Dredge Eco-Friendly Challenge (Our Environment has drastically changed-let us help!)
Lake Boards, HOA's, Lake Associations, Townships---Stop the old way of thinking. Do something new, and make changes now for next season. Don't sign up for the same old Herbicide or Chemical Treatment, is it a wasted effort, you do have great options. Let us put together a complete eco-friendly program for you. What can it hurt, has your weeds gotten worse, do you now have more sediment/muck, has your budget slowly increased each year, because your current company (Big and Small companies using the same bad theories and processes) says the weeds are getting worse, (chemical = decompose plant = more nutrients/sediment = more weed growth) so you need more chemicals??
Are you having Algal Blooms each year? Having a lot of algae blooms: Algal Blooms - Harmful algal blooms are a major environmental problem in all 50 states. Blue-green algae, red tides, and cyanobacteria are examples of harmful algal blooms that can have severe impacts on human health, aquatic ecosystems, and the economy. Algal blooms can be toxic. Keep people and pets away from water that is green, scummy, or smells bad. Call us to help remove this overabundant aquatic vegetation that the algal feed off. Let us help prevent and control your algal blooms or algae problems whether you're in OH, MI, IN, IL, WI, MN, IA, MO, KY, GA, PA, VT......MT, CO, ID, WA, CA. If you sign a contract with us, we will put a program together for you. We are asking you to try something different, that makes some common sense, try our Eco-Friendly approach. Long term you will be helping your lake, the residents that use the lake, and the ecosystem that is effected by your lake. Every inland lake is destined to fill in, don't try to speed up the process. To try our approach, let's discuss what your current budget is for your aquatic control programs. You have been trying herbicides for years, with poor results, adding sediments/ muck to the bottom of your Lake and overloading your lake/pond with nutrients. It is time for something new and healthy for everyone. (go to the lake weed removal page for additional information).
Let us Beat your Current Pricing: for Weed Harvesting, Aquatic Weed Control and Dredging Pricing
We will handle DNR permits, MDEQ permits, Fish and Wildlife permits when choosing our services
Do you have a project that needs to be done, or you want to be done ASAP: Dredging, Weed Harvesting, Hydro-raking, Clean projects, etc., please contact us at 1 (855) 305-0233 and leave a message if you are after hours. We will contact you the same day, please inform us that this is something you need fast and what date by. We have a team that travels to your location whether it is in MI, IL, OH, IN, WI, IA, MO, TN, KY, GA, SC, NC, FL, CA anywhere. We have offices in other states.