Our Mission-Organic
Swamp Thing Eco-Friendly Aquatic Weed Control & Dredging Services. Nationwide
Doing The Right Thing For You, Your Family and the Environment
A Christian-based Aquatic Weed Control & Dredging Company.
We strive to provide Aquatic Weed Control and Removal Services that are safe for future generations to enjoy. Provide Dredging Services in our waters, using both mechanical and hydraulic dredging equipment, striving to improve the ecosystem within that body of water.
We will build lasting relationships by listening to our customer's needs and giving them exceptional customer service. We will help future generations understand the importance of Proper Lake Management.
Improving our waterways, one body of water at a time. We can do this by working with concerned citizens and conservation groups to develop both adult and youth programs.
Our lakes, our ponds, and our rivers are great natural resources that we can't afford to abuse. We want to work together on creating healthy lakes, rivers, and shorelines for future generations to enjoy. We have been given a great gift, and it is each individual's responsibility to protect it.
Don't be afraid to do the right thing to help others and our environment.
The presence of Jesus Christ in you makes all that He is available to others. His salvation can free an addict, mend a broken home, heal the pain of the past, restore a wayward child, and comfort a grieving heart. All of this is available to those around you as Christ expresses His life through you. We can be used to preserve others and our environment. Observe your community and your environment. Is it a better place because we are involved in it? The righteous man does not find encouragement in the opinions of others but in God's Word. If you allow God to implement His Word in your life, others (your spouse, children, and friends) will draw encouragement from you as you follow the right path. May God bless you and our environment.
Do You Want to Keep Geese Off Your Dock, Swim Raft, or Lawn?
Our customers have told us over the decades we have the absolute best goose, duck, seagull, and critter deterrent made.
- New Geese Deterrent--safely prevent, keep off Geese on your shoreline, grass, boat docks, and swimming rafts. There are several products to choose from. The Goose Be Gone TM will allow you to keep geese away, and get rid of geese off your shoreline, sidewalks, swim raft, off, and lawn. Also, we have been told by clients The Goose Be Gone TM and Redneck Crittor Gettor TM are some of the best products in the world to keep deer out of a garden, keep ducks, geese, seagulls, pelicans, raccoons, squirrels, off or out of areas of a yard. Get rid of geese, ducks, and seagulls off your lawn, or off your green grass (all that nasty goose poop). Pricing for these units is $125, with additional options. Have you tried the rest, now try the best email: [email protected] or 1 (855) 305-0233.
- Keep Geese off your swim platform, or off your swim raft with this unique product is like no other with the Redneck Crittor Gettor TM. Are you tired of all the geese, ducks, seagulls,s or pelican poop on your swim raft? Then keep them off your dock or swimming raft with this portable unit. It's an amazing goose, seagull, or waterfowl deterrent. Call or email for details, pricing for these units averages $145, depending on the chosen options. Customers have used it also to keep away the neighbor's cat, or dog - It's a great product!
Weed Harvesting Hydro raking Dredging Weed Control Fabric/Barrier Water Fountains and Aeration
Email Us: [email protected]
Nationwide 1 (855) 305-0233
But we're right in your backyard!